This is rad dude, but the main loop is mysteline by nujabes isn't it? I like the addition of drums though. Top work bro.
This is rad dude, but the main loop is mysteline by nujabes isn't it? I like the addition of drums though. Top work bro.
Maaaaan...this was fucken amazing until 1:11...that really made me lose wood...
What a battle! what...a....battle... Wish I could vote. This some brilliant ishhh! I reckon it'll be a tight one.
Sonics vote doesn't count cos active MC's who are still in the tourney don't get a vote
Great battle, great beat, great friendships all round
Fuck this beat is juicy.
Eye-Cue for the advance: Well done Cue.
Fats goes pretty mad for a year old rapper. Good on him.
Regardless of production, regardless of levels, regardless of what happened before, after or during the battle...Teqneek for the advance.
Carefoots raps were dull, delivery weak and he loses a fair judgment just based on his excessive rant he put on this thread. His first and second verses aren't even consistent. In his first he sounds like he's rapping under his blanket in his beedroom with his voice hushed as to not wake up people in other rooms. I'm not talking about the levels, i'm talking about his actual flow and his voice projection. The second verse he sounds like he's doing a commentary track for a b-grade comedy DVD.
Teqneek was solid, flow tight, punchlines strong and had more charisma in his flow.
Vote: Tequila-neek
Suddle for the advance, only because he didn't record his verse in a toilet cubicle. Also because his flow was better.
Vote: Suddle
Joined on 5/2/13